If you run a solar installation company, you know finding good help is hard to find. Some people have experience, but they might not know everything you’d expect them to know. Other people have to do their learning on the job. There’s always some training that has to be done, to ensure your company’s work is at the standard your customer expects.
Let’s say you’re interested in installing solar on slate roofs. It makes good business sense to do so – slate-roof homeowners tend to be more affluent, which means they’re willing to invest in green technology. And because the Solar Slate Plate cuts the installation time on the typical slate roof solar installation in half, these jobs are now much more profitable.
But how long does it take to train your team to use the Solar Slate Plate?
The Solar Slate Plate was designed by a solar industry professional for solar industry professionals. That means it was purpose built with your team in mind. The design is simple and intuitive. There’s no measuring involved and all of the guesswork related to finding the best place to drill mounting holes is completely eliminated.
We’re fairly confident that your experienced team members will understand how to use the Solar Slate Plate almost immediately. To make sure everybody’s skill level with this new innovative tool is where you want it to be, plan on spending an hour or two at most. That’s a minimal investment – and the Solar Slate Plate is priced for small business as well – especially when you consider the profit to be realized serving the slate roof homeowners in your market.
Demand for solar installation is expected to rise throughout 2020. We know that it is the more affluent slate roof home owner who is most interested in green technologies. Be prepared to help them out & your profits will grow!